Monday, April 16, 2012

Good deo.?.?

whats the best deodorant for me....i have black armpits... the hairs grow faster specially when i'll be having my menstruation....there are also ingrown hair that causes blacker spots on my armpit......what should i do??

i want to wear my sleeveless......but my armpits are bad..totally!!!

Good deo.?.?

I love my crystal deoderant. Doesn't seem to clog your pores or leave any film. I think it works like salt and kills the bacteria that cause odor. The first bit you might feel like you sweat too much, especially if you used an antiperspirant, but your body adapts. I've never gone back. If you can't find it in your drug store, try a health food store. And get the rock crystal, not the liquid stuff.

As to your ingrown hairs, you might want to try and exfloliate the are more often so the pores doen't get clogged.

Good deo.?.?

Deodorant wise, not sure. But shaving wise, there is a shaving cream that I use called Aveeno Positively Smooth. It helps cut down the need to shave and makes hair less noticable when growing back. Also, when you shave, do you go in all directions (with hair, against hair, and to each side)? That helps. Not sure. Maybe ask a dermatologist?

Good deo.?.?

don go for deos

it may cause breast cancer

opt for a roll on

wash ur armpits frequently wid antiseptic

get ur underarms waxed every week

or find a herbal solution

u may also reffer to

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