Friday, April 20, 2012

Every time I shave, I get ingrown hairs and infected hairs... how do I prevent this?

Well, the title says it all.. Every time I shave, I always get like 20 on each leg.. and that deters me from shaving as often.. and I HATE HATE HATE having hairy legs.. Ive got nice ones, Id like to show them off, lol

Would waxing prevent this or no? Why does it happen? Help anyone would be nice%26lt;3

Every time I shave, I get ingrown hairs and infected hairs... how do I prevent this?

well I am sure there are other options and one of them is waxing and I am sure there are other methods. if shaving is not working for you then you should try something else. after all you have nothing to lose. Oh yes you do, you will not have that problem again. good luck.

Every time I shave, I get ingrown hairs and infected hairs... how do I prevent this?

Ingrown hairs are very common. Try to exfoliate your legs before you shave them; it removed the dead skin cells and therefore the hairs' roots are more 'exposed', less prone for the hair to grow inside the skin.

Though, if I were you, i'd deffinitly try waking or using an apropriate shave machine; it doesn't just cut the hairs, it pulls them off. This way, it lasts for almost a month and you won't probably have more ingrown hairs.

Every time I shave, I get ingrown hairs and infected hairs... how do I prevent this?

Don't shave.

They're called "depilatories". They're not expensive.

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