My fiance have serious razor bumps on his neck and he have a lot of ingrown hair in a part where he shaves the most. What can i do to help him, what advice I can give him? It dont bother me at all but it is becoming a concern to him. He asked me before if i can pick hairs with a needle but i am thinking maybe there are ways to prevent it more effective and that will last longer?
Question only for African American men?
My son had the same problem. Has he tried using a electric razor or even a good pair of hair clippers? They don't cut as close so hair isn't under the skin. He also uses a product which is all natural to treat the skin e me at and will tell you more on products.
Question only for African American men?
My man uses clippers to avoid this problem. He never uses a razor. There are hair removal creams specially for men for this problem, but some of them smell bad.
Question only for African American men?
okay my avatar is NOT the real representation of me.
I use a mixture of jojoba oil mixed with lavender as a pre-shave I put that on while showering or bathing. When ready to shave I take some glycerin and shaving cream. Stay with the grain, don't go against it. Also avoid alchohol after shave treatments. Use Tea Tree oil as an aftershave. Because of the smell wash off before going in the public. Lavender neat (not mixed with carrier oil) if tolerable. Also Shea Butter on a regular basis.
Now if it's excessive then medical treatment may be necessary.
My dad use to use Magic Shave (powder) dang that stuff stank like someone pharted. Now they have some updated products.
Question only for African American men?
go to like a botique like Sephora and get some shaving cream and after shave there. it works really good. its in a white bottle, i forget the name. it's kind of spendy (30 for the creme and 15 for the aftershave) its well worth it and i've had the same bottles for over a year.
Question only for African American men?
Yeah, I'm white, sue me. Wait, that's the white guy move.
Annnnyway, I do struggle a bit with ingrowns, at least when I get fancy and try to get a really close shave.
The basic answer is _always_ shave with the grain.
Now, I'm lead to believe that the bumps are more of an issue for african american men, or at least, some of them. I'm wondering if their hair is less uniform in the direction of growth? That would make it harder to shave with the grain. But I don't know. IF he's not going with the grain, he should.
I tried a product called 'bump stop' from the pharmacy for a while. It went on after you shaved, to discourage in-grown hairs. I noticed all the pictures on the product had african american men, so I guess he's not alone.
Good luck.
Question only for African American men?
I like to use clippers instead of razors. If he insists on using a razor, a barber told me to shave WITH the grain of the hair. He should wash his face first to remove any skin oil, and wipe his face down daily with alcohol to prevent bacterial accumulation in the empty pores.
Question only for African American men?
Hi Ms. Thang,
Tell him to "only" use razors with two or more blades. There is also a product called "Black Magic" hair removal. It is a powder that is mixed with water to remove face hair without shaving. . .I hope this works. . . .Some Klean Kappa's Notes for you!
Question only for African American men?
I had my old gf pick the hairs right out of the skin and the problem some what went away, actually it doesn't look as bad as it did before so therefore I'm pretty satisfy with the result.
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