My boyfriend just recently noticed a lump under his armpit. It's tender to the touch, and it's about the size of a pea. It seemed to be getting a lot better and the tenderness was going away, and another one popped up. But also, when he had his first one, he trimmed his armpit hair down as much as possible and it looked as if there was a zit forming on it. Could this be ingrown hairs? or a Cyst? or even a boil? He's very stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor.
Lump in armpit?
sorry but thats gross
Lump in armpit?
This could very likely be nothing more than ingrown hairs. Keep an eye on it (them). If it goes away, I wouldn't worry a second longer.
Men can and do get breast cancer. So depending on age, it could be a concern.
I would suggest changing to a deodorant that is liquid or gel-like as opposed the white stuff. It's not as likely to clog the pores.
Good luck!
Lump in armpit?
It doesn"t sound neoplastic. Hot soaks frequently and no squeezing.
Lump in armpit?
So he's happier to see a mortician?!?!?
Tell him to go get checked out. Most likely it is nothing (perhaps a reaction to his deodorant). But if it IS serious, early is better.
Lump in armpit?
see the detail's on
Lump in armpit?
Sometimes anti perspirant deodorant will cause this as it plugs the pores of the skin. My father had to use a non anti perspirant for that reason.
Lump in armpit?
It could be any of those things, or something more sinister so get his doctor to have a look. if you can feel the lump is encapsulated (not connected to any other tissue) then likely it is not something bad, however, anti perspirant and deodorant are two different things, deodorant will stop the sweat and does not clog the pores, anything with anti perspirant in it will stop any smell but is largely made with aluminium oxide which is like welding your armpits shut. Never use any Bauxite deodorant, it is the worst. If you think it would help, try a natural deodorant, tea tree deodorant is a great one, smells nice too but wont clog your pores. All the best.
Lump in armpit?
my anatomy teacher talked about something like this on monday she said her friend got something like that and it was skin cancer, u might wanna have him check it out at the doctor
Lump in armpit?
This sounds like nothing more than a boil. I wouldnt worry about it too much. The only thing is, boils can sometimes form when Staff infection is present. If this persists for more than a couple of days he should visit the doctor. If it is staff infection, all the doctor will do is give him some topical ointment and some antibiotic, it should clear it up in a couple of days. But if it goes away Im pretty sure it was just a boil, and those can pop up at any point to anyone, no big deal.
Lump in armpit?
The lymph glands in the arm pit can when faced with an infection can swell quickly and become tender as the immune system 'fights off' infecting germs (bacteria, virus, etc). The lymph glands usually go back to their normal 'pea size' when the infection is over. It can take a week or so for them to gradually go back to normal after the infection. Its probably best to check it out with your doctor xx
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