Monday, April 16, 2012

Ingrown hairs some are too ingrown?

Ive tryed to get them , my boyfriends tryed to get them but there not coming out, there in my downstairs and it really swollen and bruised I carnt sit down or walk properly and definatley carnt have sex, can I leave them as I dont know what else I can do?

Ingrown hairs some are too ingrown?

You need to go to the doctors straight away hon.

Sounds like you now have an infection in the hair follicle and you will need antibiotics to get rid of it. You should not be that swollen or in that much discomfort. The doctor may or may not try to remove the hair. x

Ingrown hairs some are too ingrown?

Ouch, this sounds really painful, what i would suggest is lightly exfoliating the area, to try and wear off some of the dry skin that's on top. You could also maybe try and astringent like witch hazel to soothe and disinfect the area. You need to be carefeul because ingrown hairs can actually turn into infected hair follicles which you may need an antibacterial cream to get rid of. If you try these things and after a few days they haven't started to get better, I would go to the doctor as they might be abe to give you something for it.

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