after i shave my legs the smoothness only lasts a few hours.. sometimes i don't even get that.. like after i shave my legs don't look perfectly smooth like every other girl's legs. and i have ingrown hairs. how can i fix that? i tried a waxing kit once. i got my mom to do it for me but that didn't work out too well cause she pulled it way too slow. i can't afford to get professional waxing cause i'd rather a cheaper route if possible..
i tried nair and thats just a mess.. i guess its slightly better than shaving. the only time my legs look good is when i use a new razor. i swear after just the 2nd time i use it its pretty useless.
i know its winter now and i'll be wearing jeans so i dont care if my legs look perfectly smooth. but i'd like to know what to do for when winter is over. seriously i hate this.. i don't wear skirts or shorts because of it. i just feel like this isn't something i should have to worry about
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
Try veet and as soon as you are done shaving put lotion on your legs also Bath %26amp; Body Works sells a rub on lotion that helps prevent ingrown hairs its called True Blue庐 Spa
Over the Bump - Ingrown Hair/Razor Burn Healing Treatment
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
u can fix it by waxing if u do it right or u can use veet, its really good too..
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
There is a spray hair removal product you can buy. I have it and it works great. I bought it from a rep. that came into my salon. I think you can buy it at Sally beauty supply. Or try a beauty supply warehouse in your area. It's called "excellance" hair removal spray.
Good luck and God bless.
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
Try an epilator. It's painful, its a bit worse than waxing because it rips your hairs out slower but once you get used to it it's not bad.
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
First, Nair Spa is great for first time waxers. heat up the wax in the microwave. until it is like a toffee consistancy.
Next apply the wax in the direction of hair growth. Quickly apply strip to wax. Press down firmly to secure adheshion. Next - and this is the most important part. Pull on your skin (hold down with hand) underneath the strip to keep skin tight. (This is best is you don't feel like going over the same place again and again) Pull against the direction of the hair growth quickly. Repeat process. To keep your wax hot enough without having to reheat in micro, get some really hot water in your sink and sit the container in it.
Note: waxing only works if you have 3/8" of hair to wax with.
Waxing is best for legs and eyebrows, use a cream remover for bikini area, and shave underarms.
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
laser hair removal is the best answer. This treatment has to under go by sessions. Based on my observation, and from my friend's very own mouth, it would take a year. the laser is said to kill the hair cuticle that grows in the inner layer of the skin. you would come in and have the laser done in every 2 months, because thats the maximum time that body hair grows back. but once you start the treatment you will notice you hair will become thinner. and as you continue on with the treatment, you will finally stop growing hair.
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
Here is what I do and I have good soft legs for like ever. Never ever shave! its good for a couple of hours and then you suffer till the hair grows back again (usually in a very short time!).
First, get used to waxing. Yes its difficult at first and trust me, you don't need anyone to do it for you (I've been waxing since I was 16 - I'm 26 now).. just get some wax (you can find strips like veet or nair).. wash your legs, let them dry (so that there isn't much dead skin and dirt) and wax away.. start from as close to your toes and work up. The really tiny hairs may not go away and you have two options, either sit and tweez them, or you could use any machine like braun-silk-epil (I use braun) to tweez it for you.. then use the oil strips in the packet or get any babyoil and massage it on your legs.. wait a couple of hours and then shower.
As for ingrowns, you get them because the hairs are too soft and your skin is thick. ALWAYS keep your skin moisturized. for the time being, the only way I know that works for ingrowns is that after you shower and the skin is soft, get a tweezer or a needle and try to get the hairs out. Be careful as not to hurt yourself, but there isn't any other way to take it out. Some suggest getting laser treatment for them, but that doesn't work well and could leave you scarred.
Wither its winter or summer, you should be taking care of your skin.. I don't wear short skirts or shorts at all (I hate 'em! lol) but I still take care of my skin.
I hope this helps, give it a try :)
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
Waxing is the best solution
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
you know I have you're same problem and I have tied everything, the only thing that I have used is VEET, hair remover and it lasted about 2 days instead of 1. Also during the summer time you're hair will grow faster b\c of the heat, it opens you're pores, Hope that helps
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
go for waxing
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.
Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.
Electrolysis and laser hair removal are 鈥減ermanent鈥?hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.
A review of the various hair removal methods is available at
Girls, what's the best hair removal method?
waxing is good
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