It's on the inner side of my out labia. I felt it while I was in the shower, it's tiny and I thought it was from me plucking a hair from down there. It doesn;t hurt when its being touch or anything, so i thought it would go away in a few days. But its been a week adn it's still there. I'm scared it could be an ingrown hair? and If not what is it?!?!o%26gt;o
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
This is not uncommon. It is more than likely an ingrown hair, either from using a razor to shave your area or just a clogged pore from oil and nampness that creates bacteria (not uncommon either). The raised bump or pustule fluid will surface or the ingrown hair will work itself by being pushed out with the fluid. It will drain on its own. Don't worry at all. If you are using a cheap razor, consider changing to a premium like "venus."
If it doesn't go away, particularly, if it gets bigger and painful, see your Dr. to rule out abscess ( a puss blood filled pocket from staph infection) Worst case scenario that can be treated.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
probably nothing to worry about. Just don't touch it, eventually it will vanish.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
it's either an ingrown hair or something are better off hoping it's an ingrown hair.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
ingrown hairs usually hurt...better hopes its not hpv /genital warts...
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
see a doctorb!
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
it's probably an ingrown hair
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
go to the doctor
may be gential warts or whatever
or cervical cancer!!
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
just dont let anything irritate it down there. it will go away with time.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
If it's been that long and it hasn't gone away...I would probably go to my gyno. Better safe than sorry. Ingrown hairs are nothing to be scared of though.....if that's what it is.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
usually ingrows hairs hurt if isnt getting bigger or anything i wouldnt worry about it could be just a little boil or from shaving..
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
they call that herpes and it won't go away on its seriously though any growth or bumps in that region should be examined by a physician because it could be something else
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
i have no idea what it is, but i had one too.
mine just popped and went away.
it was really grossing me out and i was kinda scared.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Get checked for herpes (just in case)
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
It could be a wart. Serioously. Check to see if you get more. There's something called venereal warts.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
i can only say go to a female doctor to see wat it is k
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Don't touch it or try to pop it. If it's not a pimple or ingrown hair... it could be something contagious. Go to the Dr. or a women's clinic like Planned Parenthood. They usually have low fees.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Hey, it doesn't sound like much of anything but if I were you, I'd check it out on just to make sure. You can search for that kind of stuff. If you're really worried, maybe you should get it checked out by your doctor.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Might be developing into an ingrown hair or an abscess- you should go to your doctor and have it checked out. They may prescribe an antibiotic or an anti-fungal to help clear out the bacteria.
IMHO, I've had abscesses in the pelvic area and tea tree oil does wonders for PREVENTION. You can buy it at you local health food store or drug store in bars of soap or even it the natural oil. Definitely go to your doctor sooner rather than later to check out what it might be.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Hmm. . . . I got one of them the other day its nothing to worry about mine has gone away!
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
Having pinples there is actually normal, ussually the body will take care of it, if this feeling last longer than two weeks, have someone take a look of it, it could be an ingrowing hair, if you think that is not that...please consult a doctor...if you are not sexually active, you should not have anything to worry about if you are..please consult immediately.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
please, please
take ur nasty azz to the doc.
hope i help.
I have a 'pimple' on my vagina....?
If you are a virgin, then you have no chance of heving hpv or herpes, so don't let these other people scare you. Chances are, you DO have an ingrown hair. For future reference, do not try to pluck pubic hair. It is much too coarse to do that with. Shaving or waxing is the way to go. My advice is to take a really long and hot shower to loosen up the pore. After you get out, immediately (with clean fingers) squeeze around the bump. after you have expelled the sebum (wax and dirt) apply a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment to the area, and leave it be. it should be gone in a few days. If that doesn't work, set up an appointment with your doc to see what's up. Good luck...
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