Thursday, April 26, 2012

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

it hurts when you pick them out and it leaves a scar. how else can i get them out?

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

It took me many years to figure this one out i have fine thin straight hair and it was sucha prob for sooo many years after I began shaving. Exfoliation is the answer. The dead skin needs to be removed so that the hair can grow out. I use a good loofah and various other products for exfoliatin that I purchase at Bath and Body Works. It takes a couple weeks or more for you to get everything de-ingrown, but do it daily and you will be happy with the results. and also use a good moisturizer after you shower and ex-fol. This too will help to remove the bumps because your skin is softer and it is easier for the hair to get out of it's follicle that is being hindered from growing . be vigiliant if your are serious about this and do not pick at the bumps. I had a very beautiful friend that could have been a model but she wouldn

't leave them alone and iot left alot of scars on her legs

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

i read that exfoliating the skin with like, a loofa or somthing will help the hairs loosen up a little. try that

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

best thing i have found is take a moist (or damp) warm (or hot depends if you can handle the heat) towel and press it against the infected area. do it 3 or 4 times a day and keep it clean. it will open the pores and all that crap will come out.

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

good question i need to know this too, i have a lot of them, ill star this and come back to read answers

How can you get rid of ingrown hairs?

Exfoliate. That's the only thing I've found that helps. And the other person is right - don't pick or it scars. Exfoliating will help loosen existing ingrown hairs as well as prevent new ones. And shave often. I found I had the most problems when I would wait more than a day or two between shaving.

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