Friday, April 27, 2012

What can you use or buy for ingrown hairs on bikini line (made big mistake & shaved instead of g

your advice is appreciated.

they are quite painful,

going to the chemist in 2 hours

im not sure what to buy from the chemist or to use.

What can you use or buy for ingrown hairs on bikini line (made big mistake %26amp; shaved instead of getting a wax)?

Exfoliate, and that might help.

What can you use or buy for ingrown hairs on bikini line (made big mistake %26amp; shaved instead of getting a wax)?

Sephora sells these peeling pads for ingrown hair. I have them on my legs and they are the worst!

What can you use or buy for ingrown hairs on bikini line (made big mistake %26amp; shaved instead of getting a wax)?

There are several products on the market that "Claim" to prevent ingrown hairs. I've tried them all. I have found the best way to prevent them is to shave less often and use a fresh razor every time. Shave WITH the line of hair growth. For removing the pain full ones, for they can get infected, use a pair of tweezers to pluck. It sounds pain full I know, but it's worse when they become infected and grow deep. After plucking the hair, use peroxide to clean to wound. Good Luck

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