Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do I get rid of ingrown hairs on my legs?

Stop shaving for a few days. Wear loose pants or a long skirt. Avoid wearing panty hose, tights, etc.

Use a product like Tend Skin that has salicylic acid to help remove dead skin %26amp; let the trapped hairs out.

A moisturizing shower gel %26amp; body poof will help too.

As the rounded hair pushes past the follicle, pluck it out w/ sterile tweezers.

For more tips:

How do I get rid of ingrown hairs on my legs?

Exfoliate with a body brush or something similar. If you do this before you shave it helps prevent any more ingrown hairs. Gently exfoliate where the ingown hairs are and then if you can, pluck them out with tweezers.

How do I get rid of ingrown hairs on my legs?

I assume it is after shaving. On legs put on baby powder and do not pick as it gets worse.

If its a bikini area keep dry and again put on baby powder.(especially at night when you get warm and maybe perspire)

Also, try something like "neet" ( I think that is what it is called) I knew an Afro-American that used it instead of shaving as he got ingrown hairs on his face.

Worth a try. Good luck.

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How do I get rid of ingrown hairs on my legs?

I use an exfoliator for body. It helps take the dead skin off and allows the hairs to come through. There is also something called skin tend, but I do not know if it works.

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