Monday, April 23, 2012

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

And preventing them? I have one in my armpit. I think I get it from shaving.

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

If its the same one try plucking rather than shaving, not much you can do really.

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

your going to have to pop the ingrown hair and get tweezers s to remove the ingrown hair.

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

use wax to remove it

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

You can get them from a not so good razor. Or a lot of different things...

Taking a warm washcloth or laying (kinda wierd I guess) in a tub to soak... Then try getting the hair out with tweezors.

But if it is really bad... go to a doctor. Your doctor could give you better ideas also...

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

I have found that using a loofah and good deodorant soap in the shower every morning, including the morning in which you shave, has helped wonderfully, I rarely get ingrown hairs now. They occur due to clogged pores as you've probably heard, the idea is to use a real good razor, and shaving gel. After lather on a water based lotion, as soon as you get out the shower. And watch for any lotions with oil, although they smell wonderful, I've found they cause more ingrown hairs. Also under the arms, I use deodorant one hour after I shave, due to sensitivity. Following these tips work wonders, for me at least

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

Peeling shaved or waxed areas daily, prevents hair bumps. Use either a peeling shower cream or peeling gloves.

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

shaving irritates you follicles and causes this stuff. try waxing - at least once in a while - it removes the hair cleanly and eventually will start to thing the hair out so you don't have these issues at all.

What do you do about ingrown hairs?

Both shaving and waxing can cause ingrown hairs.

Here's some important things to remember ESPECIALLY after waxing:

-Be sure that the area being waxed or shaven is clean.

-Apply a bit of baby powder to the area being waxed to keep the wax from sticking to your skin as much.

-DON'T use lotions, oils, or anything with fragrance on the area for about 24hrs or more. Those kinds of things are one of the biggest causes of ingrown hairs, bc once you've shaved or waxed, especially when you've waxed, your pores stay open for awhile and those products tend to clog and/or irritate the pores, causing the new hair growth to go in the wrong direction - into your skin.

-Instead of lotions, oils, or fragranced products, use a fragrance free, cooling aloe vera gel, immediately after waxing and for a few days more.

- There are also special creams/gels that you can purchase at your local drug/beauty supply store that help prevent ingrown hair that you can use afterwards.

-The next few times you shower, use a loofah to exfoliate the area, this keeps things from clogging your pores and also helps keep your skin from growing over the open pores.

-Now, you may still get ingrown hairs, there are also creams/gels for treatment of ingrown hairs that you can also find at drug/beauty supply stores.

-Another thing you can do is use sharp tweezers to carefully remove the thin layer of skin from on top of the ingrown hair, once you've done that, you should be able to pluck the ingrown hair easily, afterwards, apply a little of the fragrance-free cooling aloe vera gel to calm the area. Removing the ingrown hair with tweezers should be done as soon as you notice it, otherwise the layer of skin over the hair may become too thick.

Also here's a great site on hair:

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