Friday, April 20, 2012

Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?

Since a lot of ingrown hairs are caused by shaving, I would first recommend NEVER shaving against the direction of the hair growth and make sure you use either a shaving cream or gel or soap, whatever your preference may be. Shaving against the hair growth may cause ingrown hairs. They are unsightly and painful. If you get one, put a washcloth in hot water (as hot as you can stand to touch) and place the cloth on the ingrown hair. Since infection will build up around it, you need to get it out and the warm cloth will relax the pore the hair is growing out of. After you do that, get a pair of tweezers and pull out the hair (gently and slowly because if you break the hair off, you're going to have a problem). The hair will pull some of the infection out with it. Then you should gently squeaze the area to release the infection (somewhat like a pimple) because you don't want to leave that in your skin. Splash the area with cold water to close the pore so nothing gets in it and voila. You are finished. I don't know if this is the answer you were looking for, but I hope I helped you either way.

P.S. - I get these all the time and this is how I take care of them and it works. It doesn't leave a mark and it is taken care of instantly. The next day, you don't even know it was there. The trick is doing it carefully and correctly.

Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?

ingrown hairs what the **** is that

Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?


Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?

You can either tweeze the hair out (which I don't recommend), or get a product like "Tend Skin" that helps reduce ingrown hairs to begin with

Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?

if you already have an ingrown hair, try soaking it in the hottest water you can, with a little un iodized or sea salt mixed in. you can fill a shot glass with the mixture, and press it over the area with the ingrown hair. this will help draw out any infection. Leave it on for about 5 minutes, and repeat throughout the day. you can also put the salt water mixture on a paper towel and use it as a compress. Don't pick at it, because you can get a really nasty blood infection if you do. If it gets very red, and or extemely painful, a doctor can safely take care of this in the office. To prevent the ingrown hairs, only shave in the direction of hair growth, exfoliate the area before shaving, and also do not shave and then sit in a tub afterward. for some reason, that can help hairs to become ingrown.

Anyone know trick on ingrown hairs?!?! HELP....?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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